Wednesday 9 September 2020

Tips for Selecting the Best Recruiting Software


Recruiting software is the technological platform that enables recruiters in optimizing their recruitment process. The software is used by recruitment teams in organizations for finding candidates, screening their resumes, conducting virtual interviews, and sending offer letters. Usually companies require more than a month for hiring the right candidates and sending offer letters. This process is very tedious and time consuming as it starts with the short-listing of candidates from numerous applications which are then followed by a series of interviews before finalizing candidatesRecruiting software enables ease in managing these tasks and makes it possible to hire candidates within short periods. The software increases the organizational efficiency of hiring and enhances the candidate hiring quality?.

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Various vendors in the market are offering recruiting software with competitive features and services. Therefore, selecting the right recruiting software can be a challenging task. The first thing you need to consider before choosing the software is that you should ensure that the software aligns well with the organizations goals. To ease this process, let us first see the common challenges organizations face, after which we will go ahead with few tips that will be helpful for selecting the best recruiting software. 

Common recruiting challenges faced by organizations

Organizations usually face few major challenges in recruiting processes. To tackle these challenges, they require the recruiting software. 

Excess time for backend recruitment work: Many companies face the challenge that recruitment teams spend a high amount of time in arranging backend work. Recruiting software offers features such as candidate information database, candidate screening, arranging interview kits and their scorecards, merging duplicate profiles, searching candidates with specific keywords, and various such features. 

Lack of skilled candidate applications: To get applications from skilled candidates, recruiting software offers some special features such as creating appealing career sites which are customizable by organization, job board integration, social media recruitment, employee referral programs, extension sourcing, and various others. 

Lower interaction with candidates through emails: To overcome this challenge, recruiting software is loaded with features such as email templates, list segmentation, tracking candidate actions, reminders, and notifications. 

Hiring analytics: Organizations want to know how their teams are performing. With recruiting software, organizations can check the analytical reports showing their team productivity, hiring productivity, career site analytics, and engagement analytics. 

Tips for selecting the best Recruiting Software 

Here is checklist that will guide you in selecting the correct software for your organization: 

Finalizing the type of recruiting software most suitable for your organization 

There are four types of recruiting software available in market that help organizations in the different stages of recruitment. They are, namely, sourcing tools, recruitment marketing platform, candidate relationship management software, and applicant tracking system. All these types have their own features. Therefore, you have to decide whether you want software that is helpful in particular stage, or prefer software that offers all the above features in one single unit. 

Size and type of business 

This is one of the important points required to be thought about. Before selecting the software, you need to make sure that the software is compatible with the size and type of your business as large enterprises need more advanced features while small ones need a lower number of features. Similarly, enterprises, SMBs, and agencies need different features in this software. 

Flexibility and user-friendliness 

Before selecting the software, ensure that the software provides you the required features with just few clicks. Otherwise, acquiring software with high-tech features which is complex to use will be not at all be helpful. You also need to check if the software is flexible enough to grow along with business growth so that repeated investments are not required. 

Technical assistance 

This is one of the key criteria for any software. Before going ahead with the investment, make sure that the vendor is offering complete 24x7 technical assistance and is offering periodical upgrades for your software. Check the reviews of other clients for the vendor that you intend to select. This will be very helpful. 


In organizations, there are various other existing software. Therefore, it is important to check if the selected software is offering integration features with other software such as job boards, HRIS, etc. It is wise to select software with open API. 


Finalize the budget of your organization and based on that, select the vendors offering the features that are required for your organization. Many vendors offer discounts and free trials.

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